Programs & Workshops
Outdoor Wilderness Learning and Survival is an exciting and diverse program encompassing hands-on outdoor educational skills, adventurous activities, team building and individual challenges. O.W.L.S mission is to cultivate a deep understanding of our outdoor surroundings and how we can use those surroundings in a respectful manner. With this philosophy each class has a different focus or theme revolving around survival and primitive skills. We spend each class exploring the wilderness, building shelters, tracking, cooking and eating wild edibles, crafting primitive tools, traps and crafts, practicing various fire by friction techniques, and so much more. We also love our field games, trust games and sensory challenges. Because we do everything from blindfold games to carving knives, students learn to look at wilderness through a different lens; a lens of respect, discovery, curiosity and confidence. We harvest with thanks and only take what we will use.
O.W.L.S program offers a safe environment for building trust and awareness within natural surroundings along with primitive skills such as:
fire by friction/fire cooking
shelter building
wild medicinals and edibles
primitive tools and crafts
nature identification
sensory enhancing games
harnessing water
wildlife habitat
animal and tree identification
carving techniques
and much more....
Sessions run once a week for 6 weeks in every season.
Dancing Moon Girls
Dancing Moon Girls is an inspiring nature based group where young women who are coming of age can come to find connection, confidence and awareness. The start of each bi-weekly class celebrates and honors these young woman by joining together in a group circle. Class progresses with yoga stretches, a lesson embodying our session's theme, practicing primitive skills, wild crafting, making herbal medicines, art projects, cooking healthy foods together, sit spots, poetry and an abundance of other activities. We also have heartfelt discussions on choosing healthy friendships and constructing safe boundaries and good relationships with people in our lives. We do activities advocating positive self/body image, building trust and awareness with each other and our surroundings and feeling strong and confident.
Every session has a different theme.
Some of our past themes have been:
Herbs with the Chakras
Herbs with Systems of the Body
Medicine wheel Culture and History
Women in History
Flower Essences
Tree Medicine and Magic
In each session, along with our themed assignments, we come together to learn skills within our natural surroundings such as:
Trust Games
Healthy Relationships
Stoking our Inner Fire
Honoring our Fellow Sisters
Primitive Skills
Sessions run biweekly for sixteen weeks for a total of eight classes. Sessions run in the spring and fall.
Other Classes and Workshops offered
Wild Edibles Walks
Herbal Medicine Workshops
Family Survival Weekends
School/Classroom Visits, Adventure Workshops
Nature Themed Parties
After School Workshops
Homeschool Groups
Adult and Family Workshops
Guided Tours and Walks
Guest Instructor for Camps, Organizations and Companies